New NOVA Program - Decoding the Universe:Cosmos

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New NOVA Program - Decoding the Universe:Cosmos

Post by petemn2004 »

Highly recommend the new Nova program that aired tonight May 22nd:
Decoding the Universe:Cosmos

From PBS:
"Explore 50 years of mind-bending discoveries in physics and cosmology.

How big is the universe? What is it made of? Are we alone? Questions like these have inspired amazing discoveries that have transformed our understanding of the universe since the 1970s, shedding light on everything from exoplanets to black holes to the mysterious dark matter and energy that rule the cosmos. And closer to home, quantum physicists have discovered the weird laws that govern the subatomic world, unlocking amazing technologies – from the smart phone in your pocket to powerful new quantum computers taking shape in labs today."

Great graphics.

Rebroadcasts on TPT LIFE on Sunday May 26 at 8 PM
Rebroadcasts on TPT 2 on Tuesday May 28 at 2 PM

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Re: New NOVA Program - Decoding the Universe:Cosmos

Post by Deane Clark »

Thanks Mark! I was just coming here to post the same thing 😁.
(I’m referring to Season 51 episode 8 specifically. From the PBS description Mark quoted above, I expect there will be a quantum physics episode coming up later.)
This is the best summary I’ve seen of the current state of cosmology, and is presented in a very accessible way, without undo scientific jargon. For anyone who does outreach, it’s a great primer for answering some common questions we get from the public.

If I have one complaint, it’s that they didn’t cover any Webb telescope observations and their implications. But I’m really hoping they do a whole show on just that soon.
Deane Clark
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Re: New NOVA Program - Decoding the Universe:Cosmos

Post by JerryT »

It also rebroadcasts tonight at 2 AM on TPT LIFE. (I like that programs in the evening are re-aired again late at night for us night owls.) Thank you for posting this; I would have missed it.
Jerry Tennis
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