Attention all manual Dob owners - AstroHopper app

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Real Name: Steve Emert
Location: White Bear Lake, MN

Attention all manual Dob owners - AstroHopper app

Post by SEmert »

Last week I learned of this free "app" (really, just a Java-enabled web site) that turns a regular smartphone into a finder for any telescope the phone can be strapped to. It works especially well with regular non-computerized tube Dobs, but probably could work with refractors and SCTs as well, and maybe even truss Dobs with a little work.

It's called AstroHopper. You can find it by simply Googling AstroHopper or going directly to the Github web page its located at:

Unlike proprietary solutions like Celestron's Starsense Explorer, it is free, it is not tied to any specific telescope or hardware, and only requires your ingenuity in figuring out how to strap your phone to the telescope tube. It uses the phone's compass and accelerometers, but doesn't use the camera as Starsense does.

There are several good introductory and instructional videos on YouTube. I learned of the app on the "Astronomy Garage with Reflactor" channel , specifically a video titled, "How To Aim Any Telescope With AstroHopper - The Revolutionary New Smartphone App! ( #reflactor )"

Since it is a Java-enabled web site, it requires internet access (either cellular or WiFi), but can be downloaded and installed for use in the field where internet access may not be available.
Steve Emert
MAS Membership Coordinator, CGO committee member
12.5" f/4.7 Obsession Clone Homemade Truss Dob, sometimes equipped with Celestron StarSense Explorer app
Celestron C8 SCT OTA on Celestron AVX EQ Mount
Astro-Tech AT72 ED Refractor OTA usually on Explore Scientific Twilight 1 mount or tripod with Benro geared head
Celestron 5" SCT OTA on Explore Scientific Twilight 1 Alt-Az Mount, usually equipped with StarSense Explorer app
Orion 150mm Mak OTA, also used on Twilight 1 Alt-Az Mount
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