Apollo: A Game Inspired by NASA Moon Missions

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Apollo: A Game Inspired by NASA Moon Missions

Post by kibatme »

Thanks to the 'at home' time we've had to endure, I have rediscovered board games. Bit of a challenge to find players, but there are plenty of solo / two-player games or variants to keep my wife and me entertained.

Recently came across a 2020 release -- "Apollo: A Game Inspired by NASA Moon Missions". I've watched a play-through online and it looks intriguing with a variant that uses a Gemini mission to introduce concepts and mechanics, and a full, more challenging Apollo mission. It's a cooperative game with separate roles for mission control and command module players. Limited communications and 'asyncrhonous communication' mechanisms create a realistic feeling for the challenges of communicating across a quarter million miles of space using 60's / 70's era technologies.

I probably won't add this my collection, since its highly unlikely I can convince my wife to participate -- my typical "it's just like Catan" enticement definitely wouldn't work with this one! :wink:

Wonder if other board gamers have seen this and what thoughts you might have? Thinking it might be possible that if you split up the game components (or found someone with a game of their own) it could even be played in two different physical locations via a video-conference.

https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/313 ... n-missions
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