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Parent of Astronomy Magazine Divesting All Assets and Closing...

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 12:45 am
by Sureshks
Hi all,

Kalmbach Publishing, based in Waukesha, WI, is selling many of its assets to Firecrown Media in Tennessee.

Among Kalmbach's brands is Astronomy Magazine. This magazine is a primary source of astro information for all levels of amateur astronomers, and is one that I have continuously subcribed to for 40 years. I still have every issue I've received...

Kalmbach has been in business for 90 years. It looks like they will be divesting everything and then will close down completely (see the attached notice). Astronomy Magazine has been published continuously since 1973. The good news is that it appears that the new owners plan to keep the magazine going, and will be retaining the majority of its staff, some of whom our members know personally.

Hopefully, the magazine will continue to serve many more generations of amateur astronomers to come.


Re: Parent of Astronomy Magazine Divesting All Assets and Closing...

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 9:41 am
by SEmert
Well, that would explain why their web page states "Offer Unavailable" for Club member discount subscription offers at the link. A few weeks ago I called customer service to ask when (or if) the offer would be reinstated, and the rep said they'd get back to me, which they haven't to date. I guess we'll just have to wait to see whether the new owners are willing to extend the club discount offer.

In the current economic environment, I fully expected that they would need to raise the subscription rates of $34 (one year), $60 (two years), or $83 (three years) to something higher as S&T did recently, as these prices had been in place for a very long time.

Re: Parent of Astronomy Magazine Divesting All Assets and Closing...

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 10:22 am
by SEmert
Interesting, in light of the above. Yesterday I received an email advertisement for Astronomy magazine at a "special rate" of $34.95 for the print + digital version or $24.95 for the digital only version. Here is the link from the advertising email: ... 7131645J7Z